Tyler Jury with Bike4Alz.Org on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

Tyler Jury with Bike4Alz.Org

on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

Tyler Jury is one of many family member touched by Alzheimer’s disease, but this young man is making a difference!

Join us in a fascinating discussion.

Tyler Jury, a senior at Western Kentucky University, is a native of Elizabethtown, KY.  He is a soon-to-be graduate of WKU with a double major in Chemistry and Biology. Tyler’s passion for Alzheimer’s comes from his experience with his grandfather’s diagnosis in 2005 and eventual death in 2009. Tyler founded Fijis Across America- A Cross Country Bike Ride to Raise Money and Awareness for Alzheimer’s Research- in 2009 to honor and commemorate his grandfather’s life as well as to raise awareness about this horrific disease. Six riders, led by Jury, rode over 3,200 miles on their bicycles through nine states during the summer of 2010 and through their efforts were able to raise over $56,000 towards the cause. This year, a group of men in Tyler’s fraternity at WKU have decided to take up the ride again to continue the fight against Alzheimer’s. Their group is known as Bike4Alz, and can be found on Facebook and Twitter under “Bike4Alz”, or online at www.bike4alz.org

Rick Phelps Founder of Memory People and the newly released CD and BOOK entitled “While I Still Can”  also joined us.  “While I Still Can…” is now available through our www.whileistillcan.net website. You can pay through the paypal account we have set up there.
The Soft Cover and Hard Cover is available for pre-order. There is an eBook addition that can be purchased, just follow the link to xlibris website. The eBook addition is available for instant download.  The audio version is not yet available. It will be coming soon. You will be able to download it or it will be available on CD.  All proceeds go for Awareness.

Last I want to give Kudos to Lynda Everman for sending us this information too!

In less than a week, the Obama administration will finalize the National Alzheimer’s Plan. This is our chance to set the nation on a path to stopping Alzheimer’s & ending the heartache of this cruel disease.

Can you be the next person to make a quick, but critical phone call to support a bold National Alzheimer’s Plan? We need to recruit more cosponsors to influence HHS and provide the support necessary to move it through Congress.

Making your call is easy and only takes a few minutes. Just follow these simple steps to call your Representative and your Senators:

1) Call the Congressional switchboard at 1-202-224-3121.

2) Ask the operator to connect you with your Representative or one of your Senators and you’ll be connected to one of your elected officials’ offices. Check here if you are unsure who they are: http://www.contactingthecongress.org/

3) When a staff person answers, ask to speak to the health legislative assistant. Tell them you are a constituent, briefly explain how Alzheimer’s has impacted your life, and ask your Representative/Senator to cosponsor the bipartisan resolution in favor of a strong National Alzheimer’s Plan (Senate Resolution 434 / House Concurring Resolution 120).

Thank you! Together, we CAN make a difference!

You can listen to the interview below.

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