Dementia Service Dogs & Dementia Chats

Dementia Service Dogs

& Dementia Chats

Rick Phelps the Founder of Memory People on Facebook  and our Channel Expert Living with Alzheimer’s was able to join us for the whole show.  We discussed a new program we are rolling out called “Dementia Chats” which will be a webinar platform that will be free and recorded for easy access for the everyone.  Dementia Chats will be a interview style where I interview “Experts,”  those who actually have the dementia.   Look for more information in the future on these programs.  Or follow Dementia Chats on twitter at

In addition, we discussed “Dementia Service Dogs.”  Rick Phelps will be getting one himself this fall and we are all looking forward to more information regarding this program and “SAM” his personal service dog.

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Click on the triangle in the black circle in the graphic above to listen to the program

One Reply to “Dementia Service Dogs & Dementia Chats”

  1. Rick and Sam are now a team.They are starting to visit facilities and the reception they are receiving is amazing.

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