An Update On Lori La Bey’s Mom With Dementia

Many of you have been asking how my Mother is doing, so I thought I would give you an brief update.  Mom has been in the nursing home 11 years now.  The last 4 years she has been in her end stages which means she needs total care and rarely speaks.  Her mood now days for the most part is good.  She is either very quiet or giggling. Every once in a while she will make a one or two word appropriate response.  usually it is humorous and gets everyone laughing.  She in turn laughs even harder with us.  It is such a gift when this happens.

Below are some photos from a recent picnic at the nursing home.  Mom always liked her sun hats.  Back in the day she loved wearing one of her hats on my parents daily pontoon rides around the lake prior to sunset.  I often wonder if putting the sun hat on brings back any memories for her.  She always loved the sun and being out doors and I haven’t seen that change with her yet. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do.

Thanks again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.  It is so much easier knowing we are not alone on this journey.



















6 Replies to “An Update On Lori La Bey’s Mom With Dementia”

  1. This took me right back to where I was some years ago; end stage with mom, no speaking, the occasional lucid few words. Mom was in a home for 14 years and she too – early in the disease – had a thing about wearing hats. Wonder what that means? Find the joy in the simplest things and you are not alone.

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