Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio on Elder Abuse & Faded Flowers a Motion Picture on Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio on

Elder Abuse & “Faded Flowers” a Motion Picture on Alzheimer’s Disease

William Lightfoot
Elder Abuse Consultant

Today we had a wonderful show with Bill Lightfoot, an Elder Abuse Consultant.  We discussed the different types and variables of abuse along with what you should do if you suspect abuse and who you should report such to.

Tony D’Alessio Executive Producer
of the Motion Picture
Faded Flowers

The second half of the show we were honored to have Anthony D’ Alessio, of  Hungry Coyote Entertainment  and the Executive Producer and writer of the motion picture “Faded Flowers.”  A film about early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  Tony is a great advocate for raising awareness and funds  for services for those dealing with dementia, as well as securing a cure for the disease.

Rick Phelps Our
Expert Living with

Rick Phelps is our shows own “Expert Living with Dementia,” who also joined our chat and added some great insights to both conversations.  I highly encourage everyone not only to take the time to listen to this episode,  but to help support both Elder Abuse and the Motion Picture “Faded Flowers.”

You too can help raise awareness just by passing this show along to your family, friends, co-workers and advocates. If you have a twitter account we would love for you to tweet to your followers as well.

It always amazes me what we can do when we work together!

To listen to the radio show click on the

white triangle in the black circle in the graphic below.

[gigya width=”210″ height=”105″ src=”\” quality=”high” wmode=”transparent” menu=”false” ]

Contact Information is Below for Both of Our Guests

Lightfoot Consulting Associates
Legislative & Governmental Affairs Specialist
Elder Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation
Domestic & Family Violence
Richmond, Virginia
You can connect, or better yet follow Bill Lightfoot on Facebook, Linkedin & Twitter

Here is Information on Faded Flowers

Below is a Public Service Announcement

Compliments of Faded Flowers to Raise Awareness for Alzheimer’s


Faded Flowers Website

Follow the production on twitter


utilize the twitter hashtag #fadedflowers to share any Early Onset Alzheimer’s related info on twitter

For press inquiries, or to schedule an interview with writer/executive producer Anthony D’ Alessio,

Contact the film’s publicist, Tom Larkin at 480.256.8986 or by emailing

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