Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Talks About The Best Dementia Products & Services

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Talks About

The Best Dementia Products & Services

Lori La Bey Host of Alzheimer’s Speaks interviews Holly Schmid Owner of the  Best Alzheimer’s Products.  Holly shares with us  a variety of products, how and why they are beneficial for a person with dementia.


phone:  877-300-3021

The 2nd half Lori interviews Carolyn Klaver and Betsy Hoffman from Lyngblomsten from “The Gathering”, “Early Memory Loss Group” and more…  They discuss the power of volunteerism and collaboration which are used to educate and engage communities in need.   651.414.5291

Click on the white triangle in the black circle in the graphic below to listen to the show!

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Check out  the International Collaborative Resource Directory for Dementia at

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