Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Celebrates Dementia Awareness Day With Great Friends!

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Celebrates

Dementia Awareness Day With Great Friends!

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Wow  – What a Great Show Today

Celebrating Dementia Awareness Day (DAD)

I had a great time today hosting Dementia Awareness Day on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio today.  We had great guest speakers as well as wonderful participation from our listeners.  Below are the links I promised from our guests.  I also want to thank all of our listeners for participating in the program today, making it a powerful force showing our collaborative efforts and giving great hope and insights as we work together to shift our Dementia care culture throughout the globe!   So again, I thank each of you.

Our Guests Today

Dawn Fields, Producer of the film “Shattered Love” joined us to tell us about this extra ordinary film she is working on.  This a film has a powerful script which will captivate its audience and hold them hostage in the reality of delusions which holds the hands of those walking the path of dementia. The film shows the importance of feeling the pain in order to move through it.  Shattered Love, hits a home run and is a beautiful art form you won’t be able to forget even if you want to.  Like dementia this film will leave you scared and wondering why and how do people cope? What resources are available to help them?  For each of us the true question this film asks is, are we strong enough as a community to reclaim the lives devastated by dementia?  The film will tear at your heart-strings, scream at you asking for your compassion and your help to allow others to live a dignified, respectful life filled with love when dementia comes calling. Don’t miss your chance to make a difference by supporting this project.  There are many levels to show your financial support as well as helping raise awareness through the donation of your time watching the trailer, spreading the word of the film via social media and in person.

For more information please check out both links below. don’t forget to mention you heard about Shattered Love here on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio so when you donate to the film you will get an extra bracelet “Proud To Care.”

Ashley Allison Developer of Unus Tactus an incredible APP for the iphone assisting those with dementia and their care partners.  The APP can also be used for just about anyone.  Some of the features are:

Unus Tactus – the app with T.L.C. (Touch. Locate. Call.) was developed to assist people of all ages with mild cognitive and/or motor deficits by allowing them to have an easy to use cell phone, with a simple set up. It utilizes a one touch photo dialing system to generate phone calls using phone numbers from your existing contacts or ones that are imported directly.

One Touch Photo Dialer For Your iPhone

Unus Tactus simplifies the calling process by turning your iPhone into an easy-to-use, one touch photo dialer. Your contacts are displayed in a 4×4 grid which shows both the contacts name and a large thumbnail photo. A single tap on any of the names or thumbnails will place a call that particular contact.

Customizable Emergency Contact

Unus Tactus allows you to enter in both an emergency phone number and email address to maximize the users chance of getting help during times of distress. A large, red HELP button is visible anytime you launch the application. When the HELP button is tapped, two separate processes are kicked off. First, a phone call is immediately placed to the users emergency contact phone number (a friend, a family member, a local hospital, etc). Secondly, an email is immediately sent to the users emergency email address alerting the emergency contact that the user has placed an emergency call. The email includes Google Maps link showing the user’s exact location.

Geofence Alerts

Unus Tactus features a customizable geofence with immediate email alerts. The geofence will allow the user to notify their emergency contact when they have left a designated radius of a given location (i.e. when the user is more than 5 miles from their house). When the geofence alert is triggered, an email is sent to the user’s emergency contact including a Google Maps link to the user’s exact location. If you know the user’s iCloud login, we also provide a convenient iCloud link to track them in real time.

Here is more information on Unus Tactus

Web Site –

Email –

Twitter – @unustactus

Facebook –

Unus Tactus Walk to End Alzheimer’s Page

Alan Arnette

called in to share a short documentary the AARP produced on his 7 Summits Climb for Alzheimer’s.  Here is the link: 

Alan will also be speaking at the Pat Summitt Foundation on October 7th.  Here is the link for more information on this event: 

Dr. Daniel Potts

also called in to tell us of some of the work he is involved in.  Daniel and his wife Ellen have written a fantastic book called A Pocket Guide for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver —

They also have a three other sites worth checking out:

Here is the youtube of his father Lester’s paintings entitled broken jar:

Cognitive Dynamics was developed to improve the quality of life of patients with cognitive disorders (such as Alzheimer’s disease) and their caregivers through education, research, and support of innovative care models which promote human dignity, especially therapies employing the expressive arts

Dementia Dynamics, LLC is dedicated to improving the lives of dementia patients and their caregivers through education and technology.

Bakhus Saba

Here is the link to the beautiful heartfelt music video written by Bakhus Saba and John and Michele Laws, called “Still A Child” which is a story that tells the  story of having to place a loved one in a community setting.

Memory People A Social Support Group on Facebook.

Just google Rick Phelps or contact him on facebook to connect and join the group.

Alzheimer’s Speaks International Collaborative Resource Site

Memory Cafes

Dementia Chats FREE Webinars where I interviewed people with dementia

Need a Speaker or Trainer on Dementia?  Click here

We are launching September 20th, Dementia Friendly Businesses and Communities! 

If you are interested please contact Lori La Bey

Thank you all again for Celebrating

Dementia Awareness Day With Us!

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