Appreciating All Mother’s Today

To all our birth Mothers, Stepmothers, Grandmothers, and the oh so many women without an official title.  These are the women that love, support, mentor, teach, talk, really listen to us. They guide us and help us find our ways when we feel lost.  They celebrate with us when we succeed.  They see the best in us and push us to be better.  They teach us failure is to be expected.  They tell us not to be ashamed for trying, but this is how we learn to be better.  They help us find comfort in our broken hearts and loss by reminding us we could never hurt so bad without allowing ourselves to be loved so deeply, and what a gift this is as many people never experience pure love. 

To the Mothers of all ages and stages in our life teaching us all to be better and to be a mother figure to others, even when we feel ill equipped to do so.  Teaching us we can care for others within our families and society at large; to humans, pets, and our environment. 

To all the women who know what it is like to fall down. 

To all the women who know what it is like to be lifted and supported by another. 

To all the women who know the great gift it is to support another with your own Mother’s love.

May we treasure and bless these wonderful Women daily.

To my own Mother; I miss you every day and am so thankful for your love, support, and guidance. I feel your presence with me every day and do know how blessed I am for being a receiver of your great loving being. Thank you, Mom. I love you to the moon and back.

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Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.

For a Complete List of Dementia Chats Videos – Click Here

“Stress, Dementia & Gratitude.”

Dementia Chats is a series of video conversations where we talk with the true experts on dementia, those living with a diagnosis. Lori La Bey, founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks facilitates a conversation and is amazed by every conversation what she learns about life with dementia. She encourages everyone not only to watch these videos, but to include those living with dementia in conversations and to listen closely to their insights. They know dementia better than anyone.

Register for a Live Demo Tour of Dementia Map on Zoom!

Due to the great response we are getting to Dementia Map, we are making it easier for people to learn more about all the features of the site. We have set up group sessions for individuals and organizations to attend and learn more about how to maximize your exposure through Dementia Map.

Learn how and why this directory is critical to those living with dementia, their family & friends, as well as professionals in the industry.

Lori La Bey Can Help Your Organization Switch To Virtual Presentations For Staff Trainings, Family Support, Perspective Clients and Support Gatherings.

See What Others Have Say About Lori La Bey

I want to echo the thanks and appreciation of my colleagues… Your presentations were movingly authentic, fully engaging and wonderfully informative. Thank you for all that you are doing, and all that you’ve done for us!

Carla Koehl, Director of Community RelationsArtis Senior Living of Lexington

 “Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.” 

Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA

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                                            Diana Pierce and Lori La Bey

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