Games That Engage For Those With Memory Loss – Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Live Tuesday Morning

alzheimersspeaks_radio_logo_from_websiteGames That Engage For Those With Memory Loss

Tune in today at 11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London time

Tuesday Sept 3rd 2013  Click HERE to listen in, or you can listen later too!

Our 1st guests,  are two sisters; Mary Jane McPhee and Carol McPhee.   Both retired teachers who together created “Lifetimes The Game of Reminiscence.”  We will learn how and why they developed the game and how it is having an impact on those with dementia as well as those caring for them.

Lifetimes Game

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Our 2nd guest, is Jane Snyder, an entrepreneur and  founder of “Puzzle with Me,” which is an engaging way to socialize for those with dementia. Learn how and why these special puzzles can be beneficial to both the caregiver and the person with cognition issues.

puzzle w me 3 shows sizepuzzle w me 2 shows size of pic


Please Note the thickness and large size of the pieces









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