If You Missed 60 Minutes Sit Down Now and Catch Up- This Is Fascinating!

If You Missed 60 Minutes “Overtime” Like I Did,

Now It’s Time To Sit Down Now and Catch Up!


This Is Fascinating!

Click on the above photo to get to the show. 

This is worth every second of your time.

This episode will change what you have thought and heard over the years.  I feel thankful they have continued to fund this research.  Thank you Lesley Stahl who is the correspondent and Shari Finkelstein, the producer.

For more information on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias along with caregiving resources

Check out Alzheimer’s Speaks Website below.

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Learn What Chickens Have To Do With How We Care For One Another

Lori La Bey of Alzheimer's Speaks and Senior Lifestyle Trends
Lori La Bey founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks

Contact Lori La Bey to learn more.

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