Memory People™ Faces of Dementia Quilt

Memory People™

Faces of Dementia Quilt

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What a Great Project!

Rick Phelps founder of Memory People on FaceBook says, “People need to see that there is life on the other side of dementia.”

“It’s important for people to know they will make it through this journey. It is common to some days to wonder how, but it seems we all just take another step forward; even through pain and loss.” say Leeanne Chames, Executive Director of Memory People.

Memory People wanted to share the virtual online quilt that are doing, “The Faces of Dementia.”  They have got almost 200 squares now, and they know that is a drop in the bucket compared to those effective. This is not just a memorial quilt.  It’s for patients, caregivers, advocates, health care providers, family members, those we have lost.. it is for anyone touched in any way at all by dementia, past or present.

Memory People want the quilt to be a picture of the seriousness of the dementia epidemic. Their hope is “The Faces of Dementia Quilt” will help raise awareness and give people a sense of support which is so badly needed.

If you are interested in participating in the quilt, know there is no cost and it’s very simple.  I even did it without a hitch!

To see the quilt, search Memory People “Faces of Dementia Quilt,” on Facebook or send an Email to them at

For Additional Resource on Alzheimer’s Disease,

Other Dementias and Caregiving Check Out

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