Grass roots movements, come and go – but The Purple Angel campaign shows no signs of slowing down

Grass roots movements, come and go –

but The Purple Angel campaign shows no signs of slowing down. 

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The purpose of the campaign is to see the Purple Angel logo, adopted as the worldwide symbol for dementia awareness. Enabling those living with dementia and their families, to feel confident when seeing the symbol displayed in any shop, business or organization, that they are dementia aware.

This unique dementia awareness campaign was started as a result of one man’s vision, Norman (affectionately known as Norrms) McNamara, who was diagnosed with dementia in his early 50s.

A documentary is currently being shot about this incredible story;

“The film is being made in memory and recognition of all those who’ve lived and are living with dementia” says Producer, Laurence Kelly, “it will be the first time a documentary will show a dementia initiative across such a global scale.

By filming in the United States, we will be able to see how the work of all the Purple Angel Ambassadors has impacted on the success of the campaign”

The USA side of the story will also highlighting the work of Purple Angel Ambassador Gary La Blanc who amongst other achievements persuaded a major USA hospital to adopt the logo and Purple Angel ethos and Lori La Bey who through her blog, radio and website following has used the power of the written and spoken word to gather support.

This footage and more will highlight the positive effect of what has been achieved both sides of the pond.

Norman McNamara creator of the campaign said “Please share this campaign and the link.  if I can do this living with dementia, imagine just how much we can do together!”

You can view the trailer through the link above; you can pledge your support and in return add your loved ones name to the memory wall in the credits list.

“Perhaps Britain’s greatest export at the moment are our community values” says Kelly, “you can be part of the team making this happen – showing how these values have crossed the Oceans and this is surely just the beginning”

As an Individual, community or business you can get involved today. 

Just click below to learn more about the US movement.


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Check out Alzheimer’s Speaks Below


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