Loving Someone with Alzheimer’s: How to Shift into Peaceful & Joyous Holiday Energy

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

November 17th, 2015 at

Tuesday at 2pm EST, 1pm CST,12pm MST, 11am PST


How to Shift into Peaceful & Joyous Holiday Energy

111715 TeleSummit Lori LeCarlClick Above to Listen

Awesome experts explain how to use easy “do-it-yourself” methods to shift from difficult emotions or experiences into greater peace and other uplifting feelings.

The summit host, Lori LeCarl, has gathered these experts together for YOU. Knowing about the rollercoaster ride of Alzheimer’s because her Mom has it, and knowing what works for her, Lori wants to share this invaluable information with you. She uses these methods regularly, and even daily, and now it’s your turn to enjoy the relief you deserve!

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