Compassion, Kindness, and Seniors

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Today on Conscious Caregiving with L & L, hosts Lance A. Slatton and Lori La Bey talk with four individuals making a profound difference in our world through their leadership. Each walks their talk on a daily basis, showing people through everyday examples the power of kindness. Join us for an uplifting and life-changing conversation and see how you can join the universal movement to expand the impact of kindness and how it serves all of us.
Kindness Matters!
- What does it look it and feel like to be compassionate and kind?
- The science behind kindness and compassion.
- What does the term “dignity for deeply forgetful people” mean and why is it important?
- What is the significance of surprising episodes of lucidity and how that can affect the senior as well as the person caring for them?
- How does “play” work its way into being a critical part of kindness?
- Can we use our listening skills to show kindness and compassion?
- Examples of being kind and compassionate when someone is dealing with a chronic illness or death.
- Common emotions felt when caring for someone.
- How can employees show kindness and compassion when workers are struggling to care for a loved one?
- The importance of choosing to be kind instead of right.
- The kindness ripple effect.
Stephen G. Post, Ph.D., is the Director of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics in the School of Medicine, Stony Brook University.

The Science Behind Kindness and Compassion
Stephen G. Post has written several books, like Why Good Things Happen to Good People: How to Live a Longer, Happier, Healthier Life by the Simple Act of Giving. His most recent book is Dignity for Deeply Forgetful People: How Caregivers Can Meet the Challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease (Johns Hopkins University Press, May 2022). His work on caregiver ethics and spirituality has been supported by grants from the NIH National Institute on Aging and the National Institute on Mental Health, as well as the Human Genome Institute. His writing and advocacy are recognized as the baseline for national ethics guidelines in dementia care in the United States, Canada, and Japan, among others. Post’s book The Moral Challenge of Alzheimer’s Disease (Johns Hopkins University Press) was designated a “medical classic of the 20th century” by the British Medical Journal (2009), whose editors wrote, “Until this pioneering work was published in 1995 the ethical aspects of one of the most important illnesses of our aging populations were a neglected topic.” Post is the recipient of the Alzheimer’s Association national distinguished service award “in recognition of personal and professional outreach to the Alzheimer’s Association Chapters on ethics issues important to people with Alzheimer’s and their families.”
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Loretta Woodward Veney – Founder of Loretta Veney Inspires – Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Certified LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitator.

Loretta Woodward Veney is an inspirational speaker and certified LEGO® Serious Play® facilitator who offers a wealth of information, encouragement, and humor to her audiences. Loretta is the author of Being My Mom’s Mom, Refreshment for the Caregiver’s Spirit, and Colors Flowing from My Mind.
In 2006, after her beloved mother Doris was diagnosed with dementia, Loretta began learning everything she could about the disease becoming a fierce advocate for her Mom in the process. Loretta and her Mom have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The NY Times, and a PBS special. Loretta’s engagement with her Mom using LEGO bricks and her facilitation of LEGO Serious Play workshops for those with dementia and their caregivers resulted in Loretta and her Mom being chosen as one of Robin Roberts Thriver Thursday recipients, which previewed on Good Morning America in November 2021. In September 2023, Loretta received a Maude Award, given to individuals and companies using innovative methods for engaging with those with dementia. Though her mom passed in January of 2022, the legacy they created continues through Loretta’s work throughout the United States.
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Kindness Matters When Caring for Our Seniors
Kim Hamer – Founder of 100 Acts of Love – Leadership Trainer, Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, Author

On April 16, 2009, Kim Hamer witnessed her 44-year-old husband take his last breath. The outpouring of support from their coworkers, bosses, friends, and family during his illness and following his death left an indelible impression on her.
As an HR leader, Kim recognized death’s profound impact on work. Leaders are ill-equipped to lead grieving teams, HR is not prepared to support leaders, and employees have no direct support in managing their own grief at work. All of this causes a negative impact on engagement, mental health, and a company’s revenue.
Using her personal and professional experience, Kim founded Workplace Grief, a wellness platform for leaders, HR, and employees. It’s a one-stop shop for grief in the workplace.
Kim is the author of “100 Acts of Love: A Girlfriend’s Guide to Loving Your Friend Through Cancer or Loss,” an invaluable must-have life guide offering practical tips to support employees or friends experiencing life’s little “hiccups.” As a captivating speaker, Kim’s stories empower audiences to navigate the complexities of life, fostering a culture of compassion and resilience in both personal and professional spheres.
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Cyndy Luzinski – Executive Director of Dementia Together – MS, RN, SPECAL® Practitioner.

Cyndy Hunt Luzinski is an advanced practice nurse with a nursing background that ranges from critical care to community case management. In honor of her dad who experienced dementia, she founded and serves as executive director of Dementia Together, a nonprofit organization in Northern Colorado that offers education, enrichment, and hope, while cultivating joy and building stronger connections for people living with dementia, their care partners, and the community.
As the first SPECAL (pronounced “speckle”) practitioner in North America, Cyndy is leading the way to share the simple, positive, UK-originated SPECAL Method with anyone who wants to learn how to make living well with dementia the expectation, not the exception.
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4025 Automation Way Unit F2, Fort Collins, CO 80525
Office 970-305-5271
Lance A. Slatton and Lori La Bey are Cohosts and Producer of Conscious Caregiving with L & L
Contact Information
To learn more about Lance A. Slatton and Lori La Bey you can visit their websites.
Visit Lance A. Slatton’s Official Website: or at All Home Care Matters
Visit Lori La Bey’s Websites at Alzheimer’s Speaks and at Dementia Map
From Loretta Veney

Find joyful fidgets. These puzzles and fidgets provide hours of fun, engagement, and joy to seniors
From Kim Hamer
Free Download:
From Lori La Bey
Book: Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care
More Information:
From Lance A. Slatton
Caring well is compassionate and kind, so check out Lance A. Slatton’s book
Alzheimer’s Speaks – Talking All Things Dementia & Caregiving

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Order Your Book Now – A Great Gift For Anyone, At Any Age, At Any Time
Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care is a wonderful tool for anyone struggling and feeling like they don’t fit in anymore. Bullying, Chronic Illness, Addiction, Divorce, Death and Dying, Ageism, Racism, and more.
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