7 Replies to “A plan to eradicate Alzheimer’s disease…Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi & Deepak Chopra”

  1. Alzheimer’s is an incurable form of dementia that affects an individual’s memory, behavior and thinking patterns. The effects of Alzheimer’s typically become worse over time and interfere with an individual’s ability to complete normal activities of daily living, as well as their ability to recognize typically familiar people. By no means is Alzheimer’s a normal part of aging, and providing care for those afflicted can be a high stress task for both family and professional caregivers.

  2. I am a student at Temple University and am tasked to raise money for a non-profit organization for one of my classes. The organization I chose is the Alzheimer’s Association. My group (TUmemories) has been attempting to raise awareness & donations to support valuable research, similar to research done by Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi.

    I found this to be a very interesting interview and certainly helpful. As I was watching I couldn’t help but take notes of what was being said:
    • Goal to eradicate Alzheimer’s by 2020.
    • Stats say by 85 years of age, 40% of people have the disease
    • Average life expectancy of Americans is almost 80 years of age
    • 72 million baby boomers about to hit the risk age for Alzheimer’s
    • Physical exercise is the best way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Exercise turns on “protective” genes in the brain that can prevent Alzheimer’s.
    • Alzheimer’s alone has the potential to bankrupt Medicare & Medicaid by 2015

    Some questions I have after the video:
    • How long has it taken to figure out 3 of the 4 genes? Can you predict how long it will take to figure out the 4th?
    • Are there any other things that can be incorporated into daily routine to help eradicate the disease, or is exercise one of the only options found?
    • Is it reasonable to believe we could eradicate the disease enough to prevent such an impact on Medicare & Medicaid?

    I believe my group truly is helping address this horrible disease. So many people are simply unaware of what the disease is and how it affects so many people. My girlfriend’s grandmother has the disease and I see first-hand how it affects care givers.

    As a group, TUmemories believes we truly are helping raise awareness & increase donations to hopefully find a cure to the Alzheimer’s disease.
    Great blog post/video. Keep up the good work in raising awareness! 🙂

    1. HI Justin

      Thanks for writing. You makes some good points. I would love to have Dr Tanzi on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio. If you know him have him contact me! Maybe we can get your questions answered.


  3. My name is Gene DeWald and in excellent health at the age of 87. You kept mentioning social atmosphere. The best is ballrooom dancing. Look me up on the Gene DewaldYouTube. I have facts from all kinds of doctors, magazines and newspapers, medical hospitals, and others. I am in the task of getting ballroom dancing expopsed as the best thing to do for reducing Alzheimer’s and Dementia diseases by dancing. I have been ballroom dancing for 72 years and have been entitled by the local professional dancers as “The Grand Master of Ballrooom Dancing”.You need my help endorsing your brain idea and I need your help to get senior citizens dancing. Also look me up on my website http://www.genedewald.com. My program will save millions of lives and create many jobs. I also am trying to get word to America’s Educational System to stop teenagers from Smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks, using dope, bullying, and many other benefits that are geared for teenagers. The recent killings at Newtown, CT would not have happened if social education was in hte schools. NO ONE LISTENS AND THEN INVESTIGATES THE BENEFITS. WILL YOU?
    Gene DeWald

    1. HI Gene

      I am listening and would love to set up a time to chat with you. I will email you and we can set up a time to talk. Thank you for the work you are doing and the passion you bring to the world.


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