Abe’s Garden – Transforming Alzheimer’s Care on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

I was THRILLED to have on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio show today Michael D. Shmerling, Chairman of the Board and Andrew Sandler, CEO of Abe’s Garden.  Please CLICK HERE  to listen to the radio show!

Abe’s Garden will be a center of excellence for persons diagnosed and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The goal of this facility is to transform the full continuum of care for those affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias throughout the United States by providing an unprecedented level of care and comprehensive array of services. It is also a site for research and teaching setting a new standard for future programs and facilities caring for our nation’s rapidly expanding senior population. Abe’s Garden is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization currently accepting contributions online.

Check out the Abe’s Garden website

One Reply to “Abe’s Garden – Transforming Alzheimer’s Care on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio”

  1. It’s really nice information provided by you on Alzheimer as I was looking for the same to get some clue on Alzheimer. The information that you have listed about Abe’s garden does make a lot of sense to me. I know there are lots of Alzheimer care centers, but difficult to find a center where you can find effective care.

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