Check Out Faces of Dementia

Faces of Dementia

This website is a collection of personal stories and poems submitted by members of the public who have been affected in some way by dementia.

Faces of Dementia was launched by Alzheimer’s New Zealand in recognition of World Alzheimer’s Day 2011, this website tells stories of love, loss and inspiration. Share your story and help to spread awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Together we are not alone.

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5 Replies to “Check Out Faces of Dementia”

  1. People affected by dementia need Dementia Care, they need extra care as they are unable to do their own work. As dementia progresses, patients lose their ability to remember things and handle normal activities, and become frustrated, bewildered, and agitated.

  2. This is so inspiring! People with Dementia needs all the inspiration, care and support they need. This collection of personal stories will surely help those who suffer from the said condition.

  3. Wow what can I say. This is just so poignant and very inspirational. Honestly, this can help a lot of people particularly those who continue to struggle in dealing with family members with Dementia or Alzheimer’s. I hope more inspiring stories would come so as to enlighten people and help them do the right thing. Also, to be strong for their family member.

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