Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Knows No Borders Video

 Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Knows No Borders video

Released March 27, 2013 to heighten awareness of the disease

Bakhus Saba, a leading Alzheimer’s Disease research and care advocate, writes song and produces video featuring caregivers from around the world


MINNEAPOLIS, March 27 2013 – Lori La Bey, chief executive officer of Alzheimer’s Speaks, a popular website for Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia care along with Bakhus Saba, a leading Alzheimer’s Disease compassionate care advocate today announce the release a new video called Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Knows No Borders. It is a video of caregivers from around their world sharing their journey and stories of their loved ones who have been affected by the disease.

Sharecare and Dr. Oz recently named Alzheimer’s Speaks as the #1 influencer online for Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia.

La Bey is featured in the video along with her mother Dorothy, now age 85.  Dorothy has lived with dementia the past 30 years, and was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease 17 years ago.


“At some point in our lives nearly everyone will be touched by Alzheimer’s Disease or other forms of dementia,” Saba says. “Statistically speaking, a parent, spouse, friend or even ourselves will be diagnosed with some form of dementia. And people are beginning to get the disease at an earlier age.”

According to the Alzheimer’s Association five million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and by the year 2050 that number is expected to reach 15 million. By 2050 the cost to care for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease will exceed $1 trillion.

Saba says that he was inspired to write a song entitled, Still a Child, and created a video as part of it’s distribution. He found people on Facebook who were willing to share pictures of loved ones with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

“I wrote the song and created the video to draw awareness for Alzheimer’s and dementia for the purpose of finding a cure and raising funds for research and care support services,” Saba continued. “September is World Alzheimer’s Month where there will be walk-a-thons around the globe to raise money and awareness for people with Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia.

Us Against Alzheimer’s plans to utilize the video to promote awareness of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia to the general public, and Congress to help raise funds for research.

The video will be debut on March 27 2013.   La Bey will interview Saba on March 29th on Alzheimer’s Speaks’ Radio, along with George Vradenburg, Chairman of Us Against Alzheimer’s .  Join the conversation on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio. Those who are interested in seeing the video can view it at  Visitors can also sign a petition to encourage Congress to allocate more annual research funding.


About Alzheimer’s Speaks

Alzheimer’s Speaks provides a variety of platforms and forums to educate and shift our dementia care culture for professional, family caregivers and the public at large. Alzheimer’s Speaks believes collaborative and alternative approaches push society forward in search for answers and that working together and sharing knowledge is the best way to win the battle against this disease. Alzheimer’s Speaks believes it is time to shift caregiving from crisis to comfort by removing the fear and providing economical services, tools, concepts and products to those in need. For more information please visit and learn about how you and your organization can become Dementia Friendly.




5 Replies to “Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Knows No Borders Video”

  1. We’re pleased to turn out to be visitor on this excellent web site, thank you
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  2. Dear Lori, I just started a new blog about Alzheimer’s disease and I have found your website and blog to be very inspirational!! I really appreciate the work that you are doing to make a difference in people’s lives!! I also wanted to let you know that I added your blog to my blogroll so that others who haven’t already, can find you. Thank you for what you do!!

    1. Hi Bev
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I would love for you to add you blog into the Alzheimer’s Speaks Collaborative Resource Directory. I’m going to send you instruction how to do so. 🙂


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