Alzheimer’s Disease International On Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Tuesday

Join Us Tuesday, June 1oth on –

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio where all voices on dementia are heard.

061014_ASR_banner_ADI_shannon_W_author_001Click above to listen to the show live at

11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London time

Call in to speak with host Lori La Bey  (714) 364-4757

All shows are recorded and can be listened to anytime after the live show.

Shannon_Wiersbitzky_Author_Photo_2012 Our 1st guest will be Shannon Wiersbitzky who is a middle-grade author, a hopeless optimist, and a lover of the outdoors. What Flowers Remember was inspired by Shannon’s own experiences with her grandfather who developed Alzheimer’s and later forgot her.

Shannon wiersbitky flowers book

Website            Facebook







marcwortmannMarc Wortmann the Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Disease International will be our 2nd guest. He will give us updates on:

ADI’s international conference held May in Puerto Rico
G8 Summit of last December
Work with the world Health Organization and NCD Alliance
World Alzheimer’s month coming up in Sept.


Website          FaceBook           Phone 44 20 79810880



Share Your Favorite “Dad Moments and Memories!”

ARPF Father’s Day Contest runs until June 29th, 2014

June is the month we celebrate our fathers. This year, Father’s Day is on Sunday, June 15th and what better way to celebrate the love for your father than submitting a favorite story and picture of him.

The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) is asking you to share your Favorite Dad Moments and Memories – as a way to honor his love and support for you throughout the years. Be sure to include a photo with your story, if you can. Remember – the more information you include, the more likely you are to win.

Submit your entry to: by Sunday, June 29th. When you submit your entry, send us your mailing address so you can claim your prize.


Come visit Alzheimer’s Speaks Website for more resources and information –

Alz Speaks multi logo_091113

Need A Keynote Speaker?  Call Lori La Bey Below


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