Alzheimer’s Drug could stop disease early say UK researchers

By Kevin Woo, Special to Alzheimer’s Speaks | December 5, 2012


The United Kingdom’s Telegraph newspaper reported this morning that in early 2013 a small number of Alzheimer’s patients with mild-to-moderate stage symptoms could get access to a drug currently known as MK-8931.

The drug is in clinical trial but if proven effective millions of people world-wide could benefit. The study will involve 1,700 Alzheimer’s patients world-wide.  Half will be given MK-8931 and the other half a placebo.

In early testing the drug has proven to be effective at halting amyloid cascade, the buildup of structures between cells, which causes Alzheimer’s Disease.

Dr. Richard Perry, a consultant neurologist and lecturer at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, told the Telegraph in an interview, “The idea of this drug is to stop the production of abnormal levels of beta amyloid in the brain. It’s about getting in early, so that if less amyloid is produced, less plaques will come together. From what I have seen of the phase one trial results, this drug looks encouraging in terms of reducing the level of abnormal beta-amyloid in spinal fluid.”

Researchers say the results won’t be final until 2016.

The Telegraph story can be read in its entirety here:

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