Caregiving & Dementia – It’s About Progress, Not Perfection

Caregiving can be one of the most difficult and yet most beautiful roles you will ever take on.  I know, because I played multiple roles throughout my life, as I am sure most of you have.  Although I have tied this lesson into Dementia, it truly is a life lesson that applies though out every aspect of life. For whatever reason, this lesson didn’t hit home with me until my Mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Below is a video that explains the importance of this one simple tip which can have a huge impact on your life and the one you care for.


If you are looking for some additional information on caregiving please check out AARP’s Caregiving Resource Center.  There you will find a variety of great articles, webinars, a message board and even a support line to call in with questions.  Go explore the site.  I think you’ll be thrilled with the resources you will have at your finger tips!

I’m proud to say I am a member of AARP‘s blogger kitchen cabinet on caregiving issues. All opinions are my own.

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