Enhanced Reading Option For Those Living With Dementia Who Still Love To Read
Kirk House Publishers is proud to present the Reminisce Line of Dementia-Friendly Books.

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Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio host, Lori La Bey talks with Ann Aubitz the Co-owner and Publisher of Kirk House Publishers and Fuzion Press, located in Burnsville, Minnesota. Ann is proud to present the Reminisce Line of reader-friendly books. La Bey can’t wait to share this new line of books that fills a huge hole for those living with dementia and also many elder avid readers whose find the typical offerings either too difficult or too easy to read.
About the New Line of books
Kirk House Publishers is proud to present The Reminisce Line of reader-friendly books. Written by Kirk House authors, the stories are set in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s in an easy-to-read, short-story format. Large type and full-colored illustrations make the stories accessible to all readers, many of whom may have their own special memories of those periods of history.
Reminisce books by Kirk House Publishers is a line of dementia-friendly books written by amazing authors. Each book is printed in large type on white stock for easy reading. The words “large print” will appear on the book but never the words Dementia or Alzheimer’s. Each of the books in the series will include ten stories of 1500 to 3000 words written by some of the best authors in their genre. Images are placed throughout the book along with several full-color pages. These books are conversational and easy to follow, for those who love reading as much as we do.
Here’s What Our Founder Had To Say About The Reminisce Books Series
“When Ann Aubitz from Kirk House Publishers called me about the new line of books she was publishing for older readers, my ears perked up. I knew this was an underserved market. Ann explained her series would be different from the books currently available.
Her books were actually inspired by an elder, her 96-year-old mother, who still enjoys reading. I was excited to review the books myself, as so often books for our elders have small print, they are hard to hold, or have storylines that are too complicated to comprehend, or on the other side, they are overly simplified and child-like.
What I found was Ann’s books (the Reminisce book line) were designed to be dignified and intriguing. In addition, they would meet multiple needs: Large print for older eyes. The Larger-sized book makes it easier to hold as it is common for fine motor skills to decline as we age. Intriguing storylines for all ages. This allows flexibility to share intergenerationally, allowing grandma or grandpa to read to their grandchildren, or their grandkids can read the book to their grandparents; if they are in the mood to share. Along the lines of intergenerational, the books also can teach children a bit about the past and engage in conversation about the good old days that elders refer to.
These books are ideal for a wide range of people and abilities of various ages, and for those with early cognition issues, they are IDEAL! The stories are set in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s in an easy-to-read, short story format in the genres we love, mystery, romance, ghost stories, and science fiction. Large type and full colored illustrations make the stories accessible to all readers, many of whom may have their own special memories of those periods of history. This series will meet a wide range of needs, enabling many people who love to read to continue having that pleasure. I highly recommend the Reminisce book line for your special someone that still loves to read.”
~Lori La Bey, founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks.
Website: https://alzheimersspeaks.com
There are four books in the Reminisce line that will be released from July through October of 2022.
REMINISCE Mysteries: Book One Our Authors:
Lynn Garthwaite
Leandra Logan
Gloria VanDemmeltraadt
Ann Aubitz
Addison Frost
Ava Florian Johns
- Reminisce Mysteries: Book One
- Reminisce Romance: Book Two
- Reminisce Ghost Stories: Book Three
- Reminisce Science Fiction: Book Four
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To Contact Author Ann Aubitz
Website: https://www.kirkhousepublishers.com/reminisce
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/ReminisceBooks
Twitter: @BooksReminisce
Instagram: @reminiscelinebooks
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ann-aubitz-638201a
REMINISCE Mysteries: Book One
Size: 7.5×9.25
Page Count: 146 Pages
Publication Date: 07/19/2022
Paperback Price: $19.95
978-1-952976-80-3 paperback
978-1-952976-81-0 eBook
978-1-952976-82-7 hardcover
Bulk orders are Available on: https://www.kirkhousepublishers.com/reminisce Baker & Taylor, and Ingram
Retail Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and several other online retailers
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I want to echo the thanks and appreciation of my colleagues… Your presentations were movingly authentic, fully engaging and wonderfully informative. Thank you for all that you are doing, and all that you’ve done for us!
Carla Koehl, Director of Community Relations – Artis Senior Living of Lexington
“Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.”
Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA