Fall Prevention with Cognitive Impairment: It Takes a Village

The Importance of Fall Prevention
Lori La Bey talks with Dr. Shawn A. Weiss who is a doctor of Physical Therapy, a Certified Fall Prevention Specialist, and a Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer.
Dr. Shawn Weiss is a licensed Physical Therapist, Functional Wellness Coach, and Healthcare Executive. She is the Founder/Owner of Select Home Care, a licensed Medicare Skilled Home Health Agency established 20 years ago in 2004 in Columbus, Ohio. Her agency provides Nursing, Physical, Occupational, and Speech therapy services to older adults.
Dr. Weiss is also the President of the Senior Health and Wellness Group, where she does keynote speaking, consulting, and education/training services for caregivers, family members, and other medical professionals in the areas of Senior Health.
Cognitive Impairment: It Takes a Village
The Importance of Fall Prevention Techniques
- Percentage of falls reported and thoughts on why this number is most likely very low compared to actual falls.
- Important examples of extrinsic fall prevention – Learn about simple environmental changes that can have a big impact and why.
- About Intrinsic fall prevention examples such as medications, food, hydration, sleep and more.
Most recently she started Balance Functional Wellness, an Online Health Coaching platform helping individuals of all ages maximize their Optimal Health by addressing six vital Health pillars; Exercise, Sleep, Stress, Nutrition, Emotional Health, and Gut Health.

The Importance of Fall Prevention
Dr. Weiss obtained a B.S. in Education with a minor in English from Otterbein College in 1992. Deciding to pursue her passion, she earned a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from Andrews University in 1998. She also completed her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Montana in 2010. Shawn is a Certified Falls Prevention Specialist, Certified Dementia Practitioner, and Certified Alzheimer’s and Dementia Disease Care Trainer.
She has published in the area of fall prevention in Assisting Living Communities, with an emphasis on cognitive impairment. Most recently she completed her Functional Medicine Coursework as well as a Food as Medicine certificate. Shawn’s proactive holistic approach to healthcare focuses on wellness and prevention strategies, with an emphasis on improving both physical and emotional health for her clients. By incorporating Root Cause health into her assessment and treatment protocols, Dr. Weiss creates individual programs for her clients that maximize their quality of life and overall Joy!
Cognitive Impairment: It Takes a Village
Contact Dr. Shawn Weiss
Website https://www.seniorhealthandwellness.org/
Coaching Website https://shawn-michele.com/
The Importance of Fall Prevention

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