Happy Mother’s Day 2013

Happy Mother’s Day 2013

Today was another very special day Mother’s Day with mom.  Although in her end stages and limited in the way she can communicate any more the strength of relationship does not give into illness.  Between myself, my daughter Danielle and my Mother we were all able to connect, share some giggles and precious moments that dementia will never be able to take from us.



Here are a few short videos, not from today but a couple weeks ago where  a friend of mine is talking and singing with my mom.  Janelle, my friend is doing some validation training and is working with my mom during this process.  I was able to sit on on this session, casual but connective and record a few of her interactions with mom.


The funny thing was every time I shared these with various friends,  the comments were the same.  “I didn’t think she was able to connect like this anymore.”  You see most of the time she can’t, but there are those times, especially when music is used, mom perks up.  It may not last long, but the connections are very evident and oh so precious to me and I believe others that see the videos as well.

What Are Your Thoughts?




For More Information on Validation Training Click on Naomi’s Photo

naomi_feilNaomi Feil Founder of The Validation Method


2 Replies to “Happy Mother’s Day 2013”

  1. This is wonderful and so familiar. I used to take the guys home in the evening from my mother-in-law’
    s nursing home then return to sing with her – just the two of us. She loved music and I would hold her hand or stroke her arm and even when she had not said a word all afternoon, she would usually sing some of the words of old favorites with me. It was my own special time with a very special woman. A year later when my father-in-law, her husband of over 70 years was near death, my lovely adult niece brought in her iPod and we sang “You are My Sunshine” and other tunes for him. Music is so powerful! Now my husband, a musician, is in early stages of dementia and we are working on getting his CDs onto the computer so we can download for him to enjoy now and later in his journey.

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