Happy Thanksgiving From Lori La Bey & Alzheimer’s Speaks

Lori La Bey Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks

I truly appreciate all the love and support you have given me over the years as I have developed Alzheimer’s Speaks.  I promise to continue to grow and expand our offerings to help raise awareness and support for those dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and other Dementias around the world.  I am grateful for your articles, comments, pings, likes, tweets ….  feedback.  I am looking forward to a very exciting year ahead.

May each and every one of you

have a blessed Thanksgiving


Together We Are Shifting Our Dementia Care Culture

Around The World!

I hope you can join us for our next Dementia Chats webinar Tuesday

 3pm EST  2pm CST 12pm PST  all are welcome

Click here to enter the webinar room

Please check out Alzheimer’s Speaks website.  It is consistently changing

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