Help Wego Health Identify Your Favorite Activists

Help Wego Health

Identify Your Favorite Activists

Hi Everyone,

You all have your favorite Health Activists, so why don’t you show your support.  Wego Health has many different categories so vote for your all of your  favorites.  Keep in mind this is does not need to be Alzheimer’s or Dementia related. Voting is ope until December 31st, but if your like me it’s just easier to do it now.  Personally I can easily procrastinate and then forget to vote.

Click here to Vote

Check out all the different categories you can vote for:

haaward12 advocatingforanother resized 600 Advocating for Another Award
Awarded to someone who raises awareness, speaks out, and advocates for the health condition of someone they love. Nominate your favorite parent or caregiver.
haaward12 bestensemblecast resized 600 Best Ensemble Cast Award
Awarded to a group who advocates with tireless dedication and wide-reaching impact. Nominate your favorite organization, community, group, or foundation.
haaward12 bestinshowblog resized 600 Best in Show Awards (Blog, Community, Facebook, Twitter, Vlog)
Awarded to someone who exemplifies the use of one particular social platform to raise awareness and make connections.  Nominate your favorite blogger, community leader, facebooker, tweeter, or vlogger.
haaward12 bestkeptsecret resized 600 Best Kept Secret Award
Awarded to someone in the online health community who is doing great work but hasn’t gotten a lot of attention.  Nominate your favorite hidden gem.
haaward12 healthactivisthero resized 600 Health Activist Hero Award
Awarded to an inspiring, supportive, and knowledgeable Health Activist who has truly changed people’s lives. Nominate your favorite Health Activist.
haaward12 hilarioushealthactivist resized 600 Hilarious Health Activist Award
Awarded to the Health Activist who makes you laugh alongside their advocacy.  Nominate your favorite comedian.
haaward12 msmrcongeniality resized 600 Ms/Mr Congeniality Award
Awarded to someone who always has a kind word, a positive note, and a virtual hug. Nominate your favorite community cheerleader.
haaward12 paperboyaward resized 600 Paperboy Award
Awarded to the Health Activist who always delivers the latest and greatest health news and research. Nominate your favorite researcher.
haaward12 rookieoftheyear Rookie of the Year Award
Awarded to a Health Activist who came on the scene in 2012 but has inspired the entire community. Nominate your favorite newbie.
haaward12 silverstethoscope resized 600 Silver Stethoscope Award
Awarded to a healthcare professional who utilizes social media, online community, and technology to make the world a better place. Nominate your favorite doc.
haaward12 trailblazeraward resized 600 Trailblazer Award
Awarded to the Health Activist who is ahead of every curve, excited by new technology, and encourages everyone to join them. Nominate your favorite early adopter.
haaward12 unsunghero resized 600 Unsung Hero Award
Awarded to the member of your community who is always helping, advising, and sharing – but may not know how amazing and valuable they are. Nominate your favorite secret weapon.

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