Help End The Dementia Drought

Help End The Dementia Drought


Are You Raining On Others?

How Are you Helping?

I Want To Hear What You Are Doing!

I found the above video on the CCAL – Advancing Person-Centered Living website and thought it was brilliant.  Think about the difference you can make regarding Alzheimer’s disease and dementia by just stepping up or speaking up.

End The Dementia Drought


Take Action To Make A Difference!

for more resources check out our website


6 Replies to “Help End The Dementia Drought”

  1. Oh! Thank you so much for sharing this video!! It is beautiful and really, really moved me (actually to tears). We all have the power to rain…Awesome truth. I will do this today (and remember it moving forward). Thanks again…

  2. The last three months of my Mother’s life she wasn’t speaking to me anymore, often wheeling herself away after I’d just sat down. She died in July of 2004. Three months earlier, in April 2004, an activity aid sat down with Mother and helped her cut out a paper butterfly and present it to me. It’s still in my wallet. Today, when I want to remember Mother, I don’t think about the woman who wheeled herself away-I reach for my butterfly. No matter how small the task may seem, never under estimate the significance it may have for others. The butterfly is my rain drop.

  3. Hi Lori, I’m so glad you posted this beautiful video. It changed the way I think of “raining on someone” from a negative idea to positive. Of course rain is a good thing! I try to do my part by promoting dementia awareness wherever I go. I lead an Alzheimer’s support group and I also have a team Walking to End Alzheimer’s later this month. I want to do more though. I’m thinking about starting a Memory Cafe in my town, and I understand you’ve already done this in St. Paul. Would you be interested in talking privately about how you got this up and running?

    1. HI Joanne
      You have a great blog. Feel free to enter it into Alzheimer’s Speaks Resource Directory. Just go to the Partnering Options share that you care, located on the top right side of our website then become a member and you will have access to list resources. As for chatting I’d love too. This week is a bit crazy but shot me an email via the website and we can figure something out.

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