Help Stamp Our Alzheimer’s Disease


On behalf of the 5.2 million Americans with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and those yet to be diagnosed, I am asking you to please HELP STAMP OUT ALZHEIMER’S!


Every 68 seconds another American is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. First described in 1906, it remains the nation’s sixth leading cause of death and the ONLY illness among the top ten for which there is no known prevention, treatment, or cure. Alzheimer’s has NO survivors. Like all chronic illnesses, this is a disease that impacts the entire family, not just the unfortunate individual with the diagnosis. The emotional and financial cost to the family is immeasurable. In 2012 American taxpayers spent $200 billion on Medicare and Medicaid expenses related to Alzheimer’s. Unless we change the trajectory of Alzheimer’s our nation will be overwhelmed by as many as 16 million individuals suffering from this disease at a cost of $1 trillion by 2050. They and their families will suffer immeasurably.

In April 2013, Congressman Edward J. Markey introduced H.R.1508 to create a postage stamp (like the Breast Cancer research stamp which, as of October 2012, has raised over $76.3 million for breast cancer research) that would raise money for Alzheimer’s research. On June 4th, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski introduced the companion bill, S.1091, in the Senate. These two champions understand that we must use EVERY means available to defeat this cruel disease.

The Alzheimer’s stamp is a highly symbolic & therefore important piece of legislation that would allow ordinary citizens to show their support for individuals and families impacted by this devastating disease. Most importantly, it would help raise much needed funds for medical research through the voluntary purchase of postage stamps. Without congressional cosponsors, these bills will die in committee and not make it to the floor for a vote.

Please call the US Capitol Switchboard at  202-224-3121  and ask to speak to YOUR representatives. Ask them to join Congressman Markey and Senator Mikulski in a bipartisan effort as CO-SPONSORS of H.R.1508 and S.1091: To provide for the issuance of an Alzheimer’s Disease Research Semipostal Stamp.

Together, we CAN make a difference!

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