Pay It Forward Contributes To Lori La Bey’s Work At Alzheimer’s Speaks

“Pay It Forward” of Bell Mortgage

Contributes To Lori La Bey’s Work

At Alzheimer’s Speaks

Jennifer_and_chekc_060513This is my good friend Jennifer Abernathy who was so kind

to submit my name for the “Pay It Forward” Funds.

Jennifer had contacted me to meet for our usual “coffee catch up.”  I did not suspect a thing.  We had a lovely chat as always and then she says, “Oh I have a gift for you.”  Again, I didn’t think much of it; as my birthday is this coming Saturday.  Birthdays don’t mean a lot to me anymore at my age…I thought maybe she saw it on Facebook. When she pulled out an envelope that had been open, I was a bit taken back and figured it wasn’t a birthday card.  Jennifer got choked up as she told me what was inside the envelope and how this all transpired.  Needless to say we both had to pull out the Kleenex.


The generosity of people and companies never stops amazing me.

The funds could not have come at a more appropriate time as I had decided commit to making some needed changes on the Alzheimer’s Speaks website and I really wasn’t sure how I was going to pay for them.  God and spirit work in miraculous ways, that is for sure!  Once again, confirming to me that my work is important and valued.  Like everyone, I have my days I truly wonder.

Thank You

Jennifer and Bell Mortgage. 


I promise I will put these funds to great use!

Thank You

To all my wonderful family, friends and supporters. 

I could not do what I do, without each and everyone of you!

My wish is for all of us around the world to “Play It Forward.”  There is no excuse for each of us not to help out one another.   It doesn’t always have to be about money.  There are other ways to show support and encourage others by what we say and what we do.

I know I will continue to help others in whatever way and means I have available to me in a given situation.

God Bless and thank you ~ Lori La Bey


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