Help Stamp Out Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Help Stamp OUT Alzheimer’s


Lynda Everman has written to EVERY member of Congress, asking for their help in advancing the proposed legislation for the Alzheimer’s Disease Semipostal Stamp in this session of Congress. As of now we have only 45 cosponsors in the House and 7 in the Senate. If we are unable to secure more cosponsors, we will not have a fundraising stamp for Alzheimer’s research. The following is the latest response she received, underscoring the need for EACH of us to urge those who represent us in Congress to cosponsor H.R. 1508/S. 1091:

“Thank you for your email. The best way to ensure consideration of the bill by the committee of jurisdiction is to increase momentum by securing more cosponsors. I would suggest that the Alzheimer’s organization make this issue a priority and seek support of the measure from their local Congressman/woman.”

Tell Congress We Want A Fundraising Stamp

For Alzheimer’s Research!

Please call the US Capitol Switchboard @ 202-224-3121 & ask YOUR representatives to COSPONSOR H.R.1508 (House) & S.1091 (Senate): To provide for the issuance of an Alzheimer’s Disease Research Semipostal Stamp.

Like the hugely successful Breast Cancer Research Semipostal Stamp which, as of March 2014, has raised over $78.7 million for breast cancer research, these stamps would cost slightly more than regular first class postage, with the extra funds going to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to search for new treatments & a cure for Alzheimer’s & related dementias. The legislation would increase funding for Alzheimer’s research without increasing taxes, discretionary spending or the deficit.

Please call the US Capitol Switchboard TODAY @ 202-224-3121

Ask YOUR representatives to Help Stamp OUT Alzheimer’s!

For more Resources on Dementia ad Caregiving Go To Our Website Below

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2 Replies to “Help Stamp Out Alzheimer’s and Dementia”

  1. I think this is a great initiative. However, after hearing Michael and Harry talk last week, I would rather see a much more lively stamp. Frankly the image shown depresses me and makes me feel a sense of hopelessness. We need to show that people with Alzheimer’s and those caring for them can still live happy and fulfilling lives.

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