Here’s another survey for Caregivers!

I received another email asking for our help in developing a new product for Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers.

My name is Rawad and I am in the process of developing a product for Alzheimer’s and their caregivers . I am funded from my university “KAUST ” King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.   

I would really appreciate if you can take this five minutes short survey on survey monkey Click Here For Survey

I would appreciate also if you can spread this survey and circulate it around your society to the relevant people to capture more insights from people and give more creditability to my survey.  

Many thanks and regards.

Rawad Shiek

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Master of Computer Science ” High Performance Computing” – KAUST

BS in MIS “Management Information Systems”

2 Replies to “Here’s another survey for Caregivers!”

    1. HI Annabelle

      I just fixed the link. This is the same thing that happened with the other survey. Very strange. I wonder if after someone takes the survey it changes something somehow??? Lord only knows. Thanks for letting me know. It should work now.


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