How To Care For Yourself While Caring For Someone Else

This conversation will give you many tips when caring for another and will also dive into emotional eating what it is, and how to control it. What’s your favorite comfort food? We bet by asking yourself that question alone, you are already thinking about that phrase in a different light.

Lori La Bey talks with Dr. Helena Popovic MD and they discuss how caring for someone can cause people to put on extra pounds due to the additional stressors people are dealing with. They will explore Dr Popovics new book, NeuroSlimming — Let your brain change your body.


  1. 80% of stress management is self-management
  2. Stress management starts before stress strikes
  3. Don’t believe everything you think!
  4. 10 steps to reduce or eliminate stress
  5. Understanding emotional eating
  6. Knowing the whys and hows of your eating patterns
  7. The verbiage we use matters!
  8. Empowering yourself

Dr. Helena Popovic MD an Australian family physician and 10-year care partner for her father who had both Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. She has written two best-selling books about their adventure with dementia, and she teaches health professionals, people living with dementia, and their families about brain health and dementia prevention. 

Dr. Popovic graduated from the University of Sydney, Australia, and her philosophy is that education is more powerful than medication. She believes that anyone can boost their brain and grow bolder rather than older.








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2 Replies to “How To Care For Yourself While Caring For Someone Else”

  1. This is such an important conversation. Too many of us face burnout when caring for a loved one with dementia or any other chronic illness for that matter. Thanks for talking about this!

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