Ideas & Collaboration From Australia on Dementia

Mark Your Calendars For A Special Addition

On Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio June 16th, 2014

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5pm EST, 4pm CST, 3pm MST, 2pm PST, 10pm London on June 16th

and 7am Australia time June 17th

Click Below to go Directly to the show. If you can’t make the time, listen later!

colin mcdonnell

Our guest today will be Colin McDonnell, Care Services Manager at Unitingcare Ageing’s at Starrett Lodge NSW Australia . Colin has had a long career in aged care with a particular interest in person centered care, especially with people living with dementia. His work is incredible and Colin has received multiple awards. People around the world are taking notice of his work.


corrine filmmaker with colin and cathy

Corinne Maunder is a producer at Fire Films and will join Colin in our conversation. Corinne has a production company she founded in 2003, which specializes in medical, health and wellbeing video production. Corrine has worked with Cathy Greenblats and Starrett Lodge to develop exceptional footage to inspire and engage people to shift our dementia care culture.


Join the conversation and listen to what Colin and Corrine have to learned and what are willing to share with us today!

Contact Colin           Website

Contact Corinne           Website

Check out the film that started the conversation.

People all over the world are commenting on how they want to use this model of care.

Check Alzheimer’s Speaks For More Resources

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