It’s Time For Dementia Chats Again! 3pm EST Today

Copy of DC_HQ_062714_bannerpurpleIt’s Time For Dementia Chats Again!

Today, Tuesday 

March 10th, 2015

3pm EST, 2pm CST, 1pm MST, 12pm PST and 8pm London time

Join Us – It’s FREE

DC_ENTER_WEBINAR_click_here_to_enter_webinarThis great webinar platform allows you to ask the experts living with dementia your questions and have wonderful conversations on how to improve life for those living with dementia or caring for someone diagnosed. These are live webinars, but recordings will be posted for your use. Many use these recordings for family meetings and staff training.

Here Are Our Experts:

harry_urbanHarry Urban

Michael Ellenbogen newest pic 102813Michael Ellenbogen

dena_dotsonDena Dotson

Robert Bowles Pharma PicRobert Bowles

DC paulan gordonPaulan Gordon

DC_HQ_062714_solidyellow2 color photosFor more resources and information on Dementia & Caregiving



Check Out Our Collaborators Below!


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