Launching Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio!

Launching Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio!

Lori La Bey of Alzheimer's Speaks


I am so excited to finally being launching Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio.  I have talked about doing this show for a year.  Now I feel I have the right vision to truly make a difference for those dealing with the disease.

Our Missions on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio is to give voice to those afflicted with the memory loss and to empower them to live a purpose filled life.  Our goal is to raise awareness, give hope, and share the real everyday life stories of living with Alzheimer’s disease. 

I would love your help spreading the word of our show.  You can do this by liking us on, tweeting us or emailing us to others, or post an article on your blog or website.  Please visit our home page on Blog Talk Radio to help share our channel with others you know.

To listen click on the link below.  

Alzheimers Speaks Radio – Lori La Bey Online Radio by Alzheimers Speaks Radio Show | Blog Talk Radio.

10 Replies to “Launching Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio!”

  1. I am so happy about the radio program. After just spending a week with my mom who has Alzheimer’s there cannot be enough out there to encourage information about the disease with the ultimate being finding a cure. Keep up this important work. Many are depending on it.

  2. So glad to hear more on / about Alzheimer’s! Thank you for tackeling this top topic which is affecting more & more of us! We need more inforamtion and education & awareness! Looking forward to you educating us & encouraging & inspiring us! Glad I found you!

  3. Is it ok if I quote your article on my Wiki Site? I would think this article suits my topic perfectly. Well, thanks for writing this.

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