NAPA – National Alzheimer’s Plan ACT Needs To Add Teleconferencing for Equal Access

Help The True Voice Of Dementia

Be Heard…Those Diagnosed

Hi Everyone,

I hope you can help us. We are trying hard to get the NAPA (National Alzheimer’s Plan Act) Advisory Council to allow teleconferencing which would enable more people around the country to have their perspectives heard. Especially those with dementia.  In this day and age it is totally ridiculous technology is not being leveraged to cut costs and increase engagement.

For me personally and many others, the time and cost of travel prohibits involvement.  For those with dementia having them travel alone can be a potential safety issue and can increase stress which can than trigger symptoms.  For a loved one to accompany a person with dementia we have now upped the ante on cost and time. Their care partner most likely would have to take time off of work to boot.

Please make some statement about that as I plan to.  Please speak up for those with dementia.  They need your help and so do those that care for them. Now is not the time to sit idle.  Know your voice matters.  Know the more voices asking for the same thing make a movement.  Become part of a critical movement to improve lives for those living with dementia.

If you think dementia is a disease of one, please watch this

October 26th, 2015, is the next NAPA meeting and we would love to see a large response to our request which can be presented to the committee.  I am asking our community to take the few minutes  to write and send an email to  for their support to leverage basic technology and add teleconferencing to their meetings allowing all people with dementia the ability to participate.

NAPA – National Alzheimer’s Plan ACT

Needs To Add Teleconferencing for Equal Access

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Thank you in advance for your support!


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Need A Speaker For Your Event?

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Let Lori La Bey Empower and Inspire Your Group on Dementia.

  She can bring the new dementia film with her

that everyone is raving about “His Neighbor Phil.”



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