One City Shares How & Why It Became Dementia Friendly

Roseville, Minnesota

Works Hard at Be Dementia Friendly

The Roseville Alzheimer’s and Dementia Community Action Team    (Rsvl A/D) has accomplished a lot since it launched in September of 2013.

  • They have partnered with the city of Roseville, MN who has dedicated a page on their official website to the Rsvl A/D efforts, which is believed to be the first of it’s kind int he county.
  • They have been providing regular free and highly attended speakers series called Caring and Coping which provides education to the public.
  • They have partnered with the Ramsey County Libraries, who now host events, have developed a kit for families dealing with dementia called Memory Minders and who will be rolling out a Memory Cafe to boot!
  • They pull together and disseminate educational and events in the community.
  • They have a list of various types of support groups for those diagnosed, their care partners and those both can attend together.
  • They post activities such as arts, music, dance, exercise, outings, memory cafĂ©s, social opportunities… for care partners and individuals diagnosed with dementia.
  • Developed a Caregiver Survey in conjunction with the University of Minnesota
  • Developed a new initiative called Dementia Caregiver Re-Entry program, for former caregivers and current care partners nearing the end of their journey. these groups offer an opportunity to move forward in life.  Partnerships with the School 623 District and the New Life Presbyterian Church made it possible to offer this program.
  • Offering a variety of resources for caregivers and those diagnosed like: Advance Care Planning, Caregiver Coaching, Support Groups, Activities for People with Memory Loss and Their Caregivers, Respite & Adult Day Services, Research Opportunities, Grief Support, Safety Tips,  Travel Documents and Procedures, Shared Resource Tools and Social Work Assistance.

As a national speaker, media outlet and member of this group, Lori La Bey is honored to share this information with individuals and organizations not just in our country but around the world.

Below are videos from:

  • The City Manager of Roseville, MN
  • A Lieutenant for the Roseville Police Department in MN
  • The Battalion Chief of the Roseville Fire Department in MN
  • The Branch Manager of the Shoreview Library, part of the Ramsey County Library system in MN
  • The Coordinator for the Roseville Area Senior Program which is part of the 622 School District in MN

Each of the above have joined the Roseville Alzheimer’s and Dementia Community Action Team to improve the cities dementia care culture.

Watch and listen to their thoughts on why it’s important to become part of the Dementia Friendly Movement.


Hear from Families the Impact Roseville Has Had On Them

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