OPEN MIC on Alzheimer’s Speaks – Resources, Training, & Insight

Today our host Lori La Bey talks with

  1. Denise Calhoun is an author and founder of Calhoun Communications and Communicare Connections.
  • Marilyn Raichle is an author and Executive Director of Maude’s Awards.
  • Ken Whalen whose Mother lived with dementia. this experience changed his life. He and his brother created the Linda Kay Monroe Whelan Memorial Education Scholarship to honor his mom.
  • Teresa Carter the founder of Forget Me Not Associates in Dementia Knowledge.

I think you will find our conversation with Denise Calhoun, Marilyn Raichle, Ken Whelan, and Teresa Carter interesting as we explore services, products, care culture, needs, and positive outcomes.

Contact Denise Calhoun

Calhoun Communications

Communicare  Connections

Book – Changing Seasons: A Language Arts Curriculum for Healthy Aging




Marilyn Raichle

Book – Don’t’ Walk Away

Book Website



Maude’s Awards gives three annual $25,000 awards to organizations and up to five $5,000 awards to individuals excelling in one of four categories of care for persons living with dementia and care partners. Applications have closed for 2024, but we will let you know when the winners are announced.


Ken Whalen

Linda Kay Monroe Whelan Memorial Education Scholarship:


Teresa Carter

Forget Me Not Associates

We have OPEN MIC monthly and you’re invited!

Join Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio today on Open Mic as we shift dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time.  We love raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites!  So, we invite you to call in and tell us how you are improving dementia care. We just ask all parties to hold to have a respectful conversation.

Share Your Story, Service, Product, or Tool on Alzheimer’s Speaks Open Mic

Share your dementia or caregiving story. Tell us about your service, product, or tool you have that can help others dealing with dementia.  Have you written a book, penned, or produced a song or film?  If so, we want to hear from you.  Maybe you are working on a research project or have a trial you are promoting. 

Be a Guest!

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites since 2011.

Contact Lori La Bey or set up a time to chat with her. Get your questions answered or discuss your branding needs.

Listen & Subscribe to Alzheimer’s Speaks on Your Favorite Podcast

Are you dealing with sundowning? Check out Twiddle. They design products that prevent and reduce anxiety and help restore situations to a peaceful state.

Conscious Caregiving with L & L is a monthly program highlighting tough conversations. Experts talk honestly. They love giving hope and resources to people. Watch other videos.

Learn About The Programs Alzheimer’s Speaks Offers

Dementia Map Global Resource Directory

Cue for Good Makes Website Issues Melt Away With Their Amazing Services! – Lori La Bey CEO of Alzheimer’s Speaks & Dementia Map

Busting Stigmas By Highlighting Possibilities

Check Out Alzheimer’s Speaks FREE Educational Resources

Tips to Live in Moment from Those Living with Dementia

Learn More About Dementia Chats

Order Your Book Now – A Great Gift For Anyone, At Any Age, At Any Time

Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care is a wonderful tool for anyone struggling and feeling like they don’t fit in anymore. Bullying, Chronic Illness, Addiction, Divorce, Death and Dying, Ageism, Racism, and more.

We Appreciate Your Reviews on Amazon!

There’s Still More To Learn About Alzheimer’s Speaks!

Lori La Bey and Alzheimer’s Speaks Can Help Your Organization With Staff Training, Family Support, Perspective Clients, and Support Gatherings.

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