Practical Tips and Candid Conversations for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Family Caregivers

Today we will learn about “The Caregiver’s Journey is an innovative and refreshing way to learn how to tackle day-to-day dementia family caregiving challenges with strength, patience, and peace of mind. Using practical tips and candid conversations, Sue and Nancy help you navigate caregiving’s ups and downs, so you move from feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and sometimes frightened – to confident, balanced, and supported.”

Lori La Bey talks with Nancy Treaster and Sue Ryan the co-founders of The Caregiver’s Journey.


  1. About the Caregiver’s Journey,
  2. Get practical tips
  3. Hear candid conversations
  4. About Sue and Nancy’s podcast and blog
  5. About Sue’s book – Our Journey of Love, 5 Steps to Navigate Your Caregiving Journey
  6. The Caregivers Journey Course – short audio, video, and print
    1. The Caregiver’s primer
    1. Understanding ourselves in a meaningful way. – dealing with stress.
    1. The messy middle
    1. The grace of grief
    1. Moving forward
  7. Caregiver selfcare

Sue Ryan is a change strategist, speaker, author, and executive coach who empowers leaders and caregivers to maximize their potential. With more than 40 years in enterprise software sales while navigating a variety of roles of family caregiving support, she guides family caregivers to become confident, balanced, and supported on their caregiving journey. She guides businesses to navigate the global crisis of family caregiving in business so both business and their valued working caregivers thrive. She’s authored/co-authored five bestsellers, created an award-winning online course for caregivers, is a certified hospice volunteer and caregiver advocate. Sue is a professional speaker including, TEDx, DisruptHR, and Vistage International.

Nancy Treaster is a retired software industry veteran, who spent her last 16 years as General Manager of Strategic Operations at Verint Systems. A respected industry speaker, she balanced her career with caregiving responsibilities for family members with dementia. Recognizing the lack of practical resources for dementia caregivers, Nancy co-founded The Caregiver’s Journey with her friend Sue Ryan. As a Certified Caregiving Consultant, Nancy now dedicates herself to supporting caregivers, drawing on her business expertise and personal experiences.

Contact The Caregiver’s Journey





Sue’s Email

Nancy’s Email

Sue Ryan’s first book, Our Journey of Love, 5 Steps to Navigate Your Caregiving Journey

Sue is a contributing Author of The Caregiver’s Advocate: A Complete Guide to Support and Resources whose primary Author is Debbie DeMoss Compton     The Caregiver’s Advocate

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