Sam Simon, Playwright of “Dementia Man” – Featured on Dementia and the Arts

Lori La Bey and Mary Cresenzo, host Dementia and the Arts. Today they talk with Samuel A. Simon who was diagnosed in 2018, with Mild-Cognitive Impairment and in 2021 with Early-Stage Alzheimer’s. Sam is known as “Dementia Man” and he has written the play “Dementia Man, An Existential Journey” which is the second play he has created and produced. Sam also does a short read of a portion of his play as well.
A Brilliant Performance That Is Life changing For It’s Audience.
Learn About:
1. The importance of this play
2. What Sam gets out of writing his story
3. How audiences are reacting to Dementia Man
4. Improv and the “Power of Yes And”
5. Sam’s “Moments of Meaning”
6. “Curb Cuts” What are they for dementia?
7. What is next for Sam?
Read A Review Of Dementia Play:
“As he considers these possibilities, his story comes to life so vividly that one almost forgets there is one man on stage with a script. Sam’s story offers a raw, unfiltered view into the challenges one faces when beginning to lose cognition, including the fear of the unknown; the urgency of the decisions that have to be made; and the tribulations of navigating a broken healthcare system all while balancing the desire to live a full life, a comfortable life, and a life of service to others.”

Contact Samuel A. Simon
Email Sam
FaceBook @DementiaMan
X- Twitter @DementiaMan
YouTube @DementiaMan
Instagram @TheDementiaMan
LinkedIn @SamuelASimon
View The Trailer

Dementia and the Arts™ Educational Videos
Dementia and the Arts – Busting Stigmas by Highlighting Possibilities
Dementia and the Arts™ educational videos were developed to lift the voices of people living with dementia while raising awareness of their abilities. We discuss the when’s and why’s of how they got involved with art, along with what they get out of creating it, and other people’s reactions to it. Individuals share the techniques they use, how they adapt as the disease progresses, and how their emotions are expressed through their work.
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
All levels of artwork and all forms of art are welcome. Here is a brief list of types of art: painting, coloring, woodworking, photography, dance, song, music, poetry… and more. Contact Us If You Are Interested In Joining Us!
2024 Recording Dates will be on the 1st Wednesday of the Month. If this doesn’t work for you, we will try to accommodate a date that will.
Prerecord and Air Dates
Feb 7th Feb 21st
Mar 6th March 20th
April 3rd April 17th
May 1st May 15th
June 5th June 19th
July 3rd July 17th
Aug 7th Aug 21st
Sept 4th Sept 18th
Oct 2nd Oct 16th
Nov 6th Nov 20th
Dec 4th Dec 18th
We love partnering with all organizations that support those living with dementia by encouraging and empowering them to get creative.
#DementiaCare #CaregiverSupport #DementiaAdvocacy

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Featuring over 20 esteemed experts in the field, The Minding Dementia Summit LIVE boasts an amazing lineup including Lori La Bey, each offering invaluable wisdom and strategies.
Minding Dementia Summit – Free Online Event – Check Out Some Of The Topics
-Building a Support System for Dementia Family Caregivers
-Communicating Effectively with a Person with Dementia
-Identifying Needs & Magnifying Solutions in Dementia Care
-Estate and Financial Planning After a Dementia Diagnosis
-Inspiring Dementia Care Teams
-The Family Caregiver Burnout Epidemic
-Finding Resources for Family Caregivers and their Loved Ones
-Suicide Prevention as a CareGiver Health and Safety Priority
-Caregiving for the Overwhelmed and Anxious
and much more…
Don’t miss this chance to access invaluable guidance and support from experts in Alzheimer’s and Dementia care. Register now!
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