Start The Chatter – September is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Start The Chatter –

September is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Join The Cause!

Start the chatter by having a simple conversation about dementia.

Remember, it’s not about having the answers, it’s about having the discussions to find out the needs of others and sharing that information to create solutions to the help those affected by the disease.

Here are some simple questions to get you started.

Do you know anyone with Alzheimer’s  or another form of dementia?

If so, what have you heard about the disease?

How does the disease make you feel?

Have you ever really talked to someone who has the disease?

If so, what was it like?

Have you ever had a heart to heart with someone who is taking care of a loved one with dementia?

What did they say about the disease? How are they doing it?

Does the thought of someone you love getting dementia scare you?

Have you ever thought you might have problems with your own memory?

Who would you tell and what would you do if you thought you had memory problems?

Do you think it would effect your insurance coverage?

How long do you think you could still work if you got dementia?

How would you like to be treated if you had memory problems?

Who would you want to take care of you and where would you like to live?

Would you still drive once you knew you had the disease?

Have you thought of getting long term insurance just in case you get dementia?

Have you ever done anything to support the fight against Alzheimer’s and Dementia?  If s, what?

How would you like to help improve our dementia care culture?

The list of questions you can ask and answer is endless.  But these hopefully will get you started.

Please tell us about your conversations.

We would love to hear from you.

For Information on Dementia

Check Out the Resource Directory on our Website.

Maybe you have information you want to add to the site.

We would love to have you join us in making information easy for people to find.


Looking for a Speaker or Trainer


on the Alzheimer’s, Dementia or Caregiving


Contact Lori La Bey


You can find a List of Her Programs here

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