The Quietest Room And The Effects It Has

The Quietest Room

And The Effects It Has

I have had the wonderful opportunity to tour Orfield Labs, an amazing research laboratory which focuses on improving the environments in which we live.  From assessing equipment noise levels to decreasing glare and energy costs the work they do is exciting to say the least.  Why I have posted this here on Alzheimer’s Speaks, is I think it is important for all of us including those developing new communities and services to truly understand the impact environmental surroundings have on everyone, including those with Dementia.  Orfield labs is very interested in improving environments as we age and I would encourage any organization looking at building a new community to talk with Steve Orfield before proceeding.  I think they would be shocked at the information they get, and the actual cost to truly improve their settings which will better their service delivery systems.  Click here to find out more about Orfield Labs 

Or call Steve Orfield at 612-721-2455

Click on the photo above to watch the 1st video.

Steve Orfield Founder of Orfield Labs based in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Dr. Peggy Nelson of the University of Minnesota explain the phenomenon one experiences in the quietest room in the world.

Click on the photo above to watch te 2nd video.

A Sailor tests out the room and talks about the noise of his job and why he wanted to erase the noise of daily life.

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