World Alzheimer’s Day – Tips, Tricks and Research
Well I missed getting this posted yesterday to chime in with people around the world recognizing this important day, due to computer issues… but I’m back up and running now. I also understand one day doesn’t do dementia justice and that is exactly way I started Alzheimer’s Speaks in the first place. Our goal here is to raise all voices to lift great ideas and concerns regarding living with dementia. To help families and professionals connect to wonderful services, products, tools, tips and research to live graciously along side dementia.
I firmly believed than and still do today that if we are going to find solutions, support and a cure we must talk about dementia in all forms on a regular basis without feeling uncomfortable.
For thirty years my own Mother battled Alzheimer’s Disease. She passed on five years and during our families experience no one was talking about Alzheimer’s diseas or other froms of dementia. So, as a family we didn’t either. I know now that was a mistake and am so happy to see so many others joining the voice of dementia.
The first ten years, starting in 1984, she was misdiagnosed and was told it was menopause. My Mother always knew it was that.
Did you know getting a proper diagnosis is a common problem still today?
It’s common for many doctors to not be as educated as we all think. This is something that needs to change. By all of us raising our concern for a better diagnostic process along with supportive information on where to get help and resources is critical. We have done it for Cancer, Heart Disease, HIV and Diabetes, so we can do it for dementia too!
Below are a bunch of great resources, research and support I want to share with you.
Alzheimer’s Disease International does a great job each year pulling together an amazing global report with fascinating information. This years report covers Attitudes to Dementia.
Here are just a few highlights from the 160 page report.
Almost 80% of the general public are concerned about developing dementia at some point and 1 in 4 people think that there is nothing we can do to prevent dementia
35% of carers across the world said that they have hidden the diagnosis of dementia of a family member
Over 50% of carers globally say their health has suffered as a result of their caring responsibilities even whilst expressing positive sentiments about their role
Almost 62% of healthcare providers worldwide think that dementia is part of normal aging
40% of the general public think doctors and nurses ignore people with dementia
Coming to Woodbury, MN – Sept 25th and 26th
Coming to Toms River, NJ – Oct 8th and 9th
Coming to Elmhurst, IL – Oct 16th & 17th
Coming to Minnetonka, MN – Oct. 19th
Coming to Reading & Lexington MA – Nov. 13th & 14th
Coming to Anniston, AL – Nov. 21st
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See what LeadingAge has to say about Lori La Bey
“Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.”
Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA
Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting Dementia Care from Crisis around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites.
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