You Have To Be Kidding – Joy in Dementia?

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

Joy in Dementia

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100918 ASR Graphic East Side Institute NY

Lori La Bey, host and founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks will have a very interesting conversation with Susan Massad and Mary Fridley from the East Side Institute in New York. Susan is a retired primary care physician educator who is on the faculty of the ESI and she has had a long interest exploring the experience of illness for all those involved.  Mary is on the faculty of the ESI, where she has practiced therapy for 12 years and continues to use the social therapeutic approach as a teacher and workshop leader. Lori is a firm believer that joy is readily available to those who chose to look for it and create it in any circumstance and there is always a reason to be grateful.  Learn how you can develop more joy in your relationships.

Contact Mary Fridley, Susan Massad  or the East Side Institute

Email Mary at

Email Susan at

Website for the East Side Institute

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 “Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.” 

Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge Washington

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