20 Years Living with Dementia and Still Producing Beautiful Artwork

Today on Dementia and the Arts, Lori La Bey and Mary Crescenzo talk with Harry and Hazel Urban. Harry has been living with dementia for 20 years and is a powerful advocate for all forms of dementia and the social support they deserve to have. In fact, he has a Facebook group called Forget Me Not, which has several subgroups supporting those living with a form of dementia as well as those who care for them.

Harry has been on Dementia and the Arts prior to showcasing his woodwork, but today he shares with us a variety of art he now makes with a 3D printer, as it is safer for him to use than his power tools. Hazel talks about how Harry’s artwork benefits her as well.

20 Years Living with Dementia

Busting Dementia Stigmas By Highlighting Possibilities

Contact Harry Urban Through His Facebook Group – Forget Me Not

Dementia and the Arts™ educational videos were developed to lift the voices of people living with dementia while raising awareness of their abilities. We discuss the when’s and why’s of how they got involved with art, along with what they get out of creating it, and other people’s reactions to it. Individuals share the techniques they use, how they adapt as the disease progresses, and how their emotions are expressed through their work.

We know Dementia and the Arts know no boundaries and feel it’s important to be inclusive of all people no matter what form of dementia they are living with. We work hard to accommodate time zone differences around the world so we don’t exclude people due to their location. ​

 Learn More Here  https://alzheimersspeaks.com/dementia-and-the-arts/

In 2024, we changed our structure to feature individuals on an episode as well as to include the care partner’s voice to share their thoughts on how art can improve the quality of life for a person living with dementia.

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder​

All levels of artwork and all forms of art are welcome. Here is a brief list of types of art: painting, coloring, woodworking, photography, dance, song, music, poetry… and more. ​ 

Still Producing Beautiful Artwork

 We partner with Dementia Action Alliance, known as DDA which can be found at https://daanow.org/, and Forget Me Not a Facebook group which can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ForgetMeNotDementiaSupport.  Both offer all kinds of support to those living with dementia and their care partners.  DAA has a Facebook page called Arts and Dementia where those living with dementia who enjoy art can share their work and connect.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/294443774931144

2024 Recording Dates will be on the 1st Wednesday of the Month. If this doesn’t work for you we will try to accommodate a date that will.

Mar 6th April 3rd May 1st June 5th July 3rd

Aug 7th Sept 4th Oct 2nd Nov 6th Dec 4th

Alzheimer’s Speaks – Talking All Things Dementia & Caregiving

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Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort worldwide one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites since 2011.


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