Join Dementia Chats Webinar Today at 3pm EST It’s FREE!

Join Dementia Chats Webinar

Today at 3pm EST, 2pm CST, 1pm MST, 12pm PST

It’s Fun And Free

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Tuesday Nov. 25th, 2014

1pm EST, 2pm CST, 1pm MST, 12pm PST

Here are our Experts

harry_urbanHarry Urban, Founder of “Forget Me Not,” a closed support group on Facebook for those with dementia, their care partners, professionals and advocates.


Driving Steve PonathSteve Ponath, was diagnosed with EOAD in 2011. He has become an advocate for those who can’t speak out about the disease. It’s time to bring awareness to everyone of what this disease does to not only the patient, but to the caregiver’s and loved ones who are on this journey with us.

dena_dotsonDena Dotson, was diagnosed with Lewy Body with probable Alzheimer’s at age 47 2011. She is working hard to decrease the stigma attached with dementia.

mICHAEL_ELLENBOGEN_SPEAKINGMichael Ellenbogen, is 54 years old. His career was in Information Technology, where he was a high level manager. Michael was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease at the age of 49. He is no longer able to work. Michael now spend my time trying to increase awareness of this disease, and work to increase funding for research. He just finished writing his book outlining my experience with Alzheimer’s.

Robert Bowles Pharma PicRoberts Bowles, sold his pharmacy in December 2010, Robert lost his purpose in life. Eighteen months later, he was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia. One year after his diagnosis, I found my purpose in life again….that of dementia awareness and transparently journalizing and sharing my experience, strength and hope seeking to help both persons with dementia and their care partners.

Robert’s mother and father both had dementia

Dementia Chats Hosts

lori_with_radioLori La Bey, Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks is also the creator and host of Dementia Chats. She facilitates the group and asks our experts living with dementia questions and pull participants into the conversation to get their questions answered and their comments heard. Lori is a professional speaker and trainer on dementia and caregiving.   Her mother has struggled with dementia for over 30 years and she is now in her end stages of the disease.

Eilon Caspi picEilon Caspi, is a PhD, Gerontologist and Dementia Behavior Specialist. He runs The Center for Prevention of Resident-to-Resident Aggression in Dementia.   Eilon will be assisting Lori in managing the webinars as well as monitoring participants conversations so we make sure we stay interactive and on top of all conversations. Eilon can also be reached via another website. Eilon can also be reached via another website.
Check Out This Great Holiday Music!

combineid AlzMusCon logo and CDFor Additional Dementia Resources

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