Memory Café’s Impact on Individuals and Families – The Proof is in the Smiles and Friendships
Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Tuesday – June 20th, 2023 – 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST & 7pm London GMT, 9pm South Africa SAST, and on the 21st at 6am in Australia AEDT
Today, Lori La Bey the host of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio speaks with a panel of passionate professionals who truly understand the power of Memory Café’s and the impact they are having on families around the globe.
- What is a Memory Café?
- Who Attends and Memory Café?
- Can anyone start a Memory Café?
- Are Memory Café’s in-person or virtual meetings?
- What do people do at a Memory Café?
- How often do you meet and for how long?
- What is the average size of you your café?
- Is there a cost to attend a Memory Café?
Listen to the Podcast Below
We ask each of our listeners to BE A GIVER OF HOPE by sharing this episode with your friends, family, colleagues, and followers. All of us can spread hope by sharing resources, tools, and products to help people live a better life. It will take you only a few seconds for you to make a powerful difference in someone else’s life. We never know when someone might need this type of support for themselves, or a loved one. Join our movement and be a Giver of Hope!
Contact Our Panelists
Beth Soltzberg – JF&CS Memory Café, and JF&CS Memory Café Percolator – in Waltham, MA
Email Phone 781-693-5628
Website – Find free resources for starting and sustaining a memory café from the JF&CS Memory Café Percolator, including step-by-step toolkits, PSA videos, a guest artist directory, a leadership guide for cafe participants living with dementia, and much more! The Percolator PSA video shows a range of memory cafés in action. The PSA is in the following languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Angela Meyers Library Memory Project – in Wisconsin
A network of 21 public libraries that share in a rotation of offering 6 memory cafes per month. We’ve been offering memory cafes since 2015.
Facebook @librarymemoryproject
Phone 262-896-8245
Debra Sheets – Memory Café Victoria – In Victoria, British Columbia Canada
Phone 236-562-0240
Karri Brower & April Grimaldi – Memory Lane Cafe – in Henderson, Nevada
Karri Email
Phone 702-670-1810
April Email
Phone 702-660-1140
FaceBook Memory Lane Cafe SNV
Alyss Amster – Connection Café – Dementia Spotlight Foundation – in Roswell, GA
Phone 678-332-1711
Emily Kearns & Jamie Samaque Nature Café – Dementia Friendly Baltimore County Dementia Friendly Coordinator
Baltimore County Department of Aging, Caregivers Program
611 Central Avenue, Towson, MD 21204
Phone 410-887-4751m
Tami Hurst – Memory Cafe – with Olathe Public Library – in Olathe, KS
Maria Skinner – Guest Artist with Ageless Grace Brain Health Fitness Educator & Trainer – Groton, MA
Phone 978-314-2735
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Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort worldwide one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites since 2011.