Staffing Issues for Senior Services on Conscious Caregiving with L & L

Staffing Issues And Resolutions For Senior Services
We have all heard about staffing issues in every industry around the world, but today we are going to focus not only on staffing issues affecting our senior’s vital aging, but our panelists discuss a variety of resolutions that are worth checking out! You can watch the video interview below or listen on any of the podcast platforms. Join our hosts Lance A. Slatton and Lori La Bey as they dive into this very important conversation.
Staffing Issues And Resolutions For Senior Services

Joel Prevost, CMO, Prevost Partners
Joel Prevost is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and Licensed Health Services Executive with more than 20 years of experience in long-term care and aging services. He has a deep understanding and passion for our senior population. He has successfully led regions, campuses, and communities including skilled nursing, assisted living, home care, hospice care, palliative care, transitional care, and adult day.
Prevost is an early adopter who zealously embraces technological advancements to make life easier. This enthusiasm transcends his role in consulting for healthcare and other industries. He also speaks locally, regionally, and nationally about the successes & lessons learned from leading teams, adopting innovations & the challenges of change management.

Staffing Issues And Resolutions For Senior Services

Deb Nygaard, LALD, Dir. Of Development at Arthur’s Senior Care
Deb Nygaard has worked with Arthur’s Senior Care and the sister company ACR Homes for 35 years. She is currently responsible for admissions and outreach and is the Licensed Assisted Living Director. Deb does the dementia training for all new employees, as well as doing dementia training in the community, and most recently for employees of the Minneapolis / St. Paul airport with a team of volunteers from the Dementia Friendly Airports Working Group.

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Staffing Issues And Resolutions For Senior Services

Ron Bowen, Executive Director at The Pines at Hilton Head a WindRiver
Ron Bowen started his career in Healthcare in the late 1980’s after graduating from college with a BA in Mass Communication/Business. He found his passion working with the Older Adult population specifically those afflicted with Alzheimer’s/Dementia. Ron has a Master’s in Human Development and Gerontology specializing in dementia.
Ron’s philosophy and success have been incorporating Aging Theories into our knowledge of Alzheimer’s and other related dementias. Even though some diseases can change personality, the older adults he has dealt with have had a lifetime of being themselves. Knowing a person’s past personality, passions, triggers, and fears will better equip our caregivers to deal with behaviors and to gain trust with the individual we are serving.
Taking the concept of Emotional Intelligence, Ron believes we should be teaching our caregivers to “Read the Room” before approaching someone with dementia. Once caregivers learn to “Read the Room,” we can teach the next approach which is gaining trust. Ron is currently the Executive Director at Pines at Hilton Head.

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Staffing Issues And Resolutions For Senior Services

Lance A. Slatton and Lori La Bey cohost and producer Conscious Caregiving with L & L.
Visit their website at or contact them at

Lance A. Slatton – The Senior Care Influencer
From wellness tips to heartfelt stories, Lance A. Slatton is a trusted source for senior care tips, insights, and encouragement.
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Lori La Bey – Shifting Dementia Care From Crisis To Comfort Around The Globe
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Additional Resources
Bidets BidetKing
Earned Wages Access (pay as you go)
Scheduling Software
Schedule POP
AI for regulatory support, rent roll, and other data analysis
NIC MAP Vision
Girard Business Solutions
Bear Robotics
Employee Engagement Communication tools
Insights from Arthur’s videos
Bringing Out The Best in Care Community Staff
Apple Podcast best-in-care-community-staff-members/id986940432?i=1000649106326
Or YouTube
Learn More About Alzheimer’s Speaks Below

Lori La Bey and Alzheimer’s Speaks Can Help Your Organization With Staff Training, Family Support, Perspective Clients, and Support Gatherings.

Maude’s Awards gives three annual $25,000 awards to organizations and up to five $5,000 awards to individuals excelling in one of four categories of care for persons living with dementia and care partners.
Applications for the 2024 Awards are open– apply by May 13!

Our Panel today consists of Craig Hanke, Ginger Smith, Harry Urban, Laurie Scherrer, Jennifer Bute, and Truthful Loving Kindness who are all living with dementia. You will hear about when they got diagnosed, how their diagnosis has changed over the years, and how they are living life well with a form of dementia. Some of our panelists have been living 15 to 20 plus years with dementia!
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