Technology Can Help You As A Caregiver


Disclosure:  I am participating in the Verizon Boomer Voices program and have been provided with a device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product. #VZWVoices #Boomer

I just have to tell you I am loving using my Verizon Droid Razr HD for driving directions! As a caregiver with a busy schedule I really appreciate the nice big screen for my aging and tired eyes.  It also speaks clearly and gives me plenty of notice for turns. Plus it hasn’t taken me down a wrong path yet. Getting me to my destinations on a timely basis, really helps reduce my stress.  SWEET!

In addition, I’m learning to use the “Fitbit” APP.  It’s kind of spooky to find out how little I move! Although I am constantly busy, so much of what I do is by phone or using the internet.   I am finding I sit way too much and really have to become so inactive compared to what I used to be. I guess I knew this was happening, but when you have a reminder counting off your steps or lack of it kind of slaps you in the face and says, get up a move girl!  although I love my work, I have found I have become a slave to my computer… Now it’s time to find some balance. Thank you Fitbit and Verizon!  This little gadget can help the caregiver, take care of them self.

Last, I have to tell you a short story about my mom today.  I brought her to an activity where a “professional Whistler” performed.  I didn’t even know there was such a  person!  She seemed to enjoy it and yelled out a few comments to the performers questions he was posing to the audience.  In addition, she was wiggling and dancing to the music.  She even hummed a few bars to two different songs.    These types of reactions are pretty rare for mom these days so this was a great treat!

dan_mom_me_3For additional resources check out our website below


4 Replies to “Technology Can Help You As A Caregiver”

  1. Really cute picture of you three. Did you know that there’s some gobbledygoop in your posting?

    1. HI Anita,
      Thank you. I don’t know why word press is doing this lately. I have changed it, but it must go out like that on the original post…urghhh Thanks for letting me know! It should be fixed now.


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